February 13, 2013

be mine / what to do when you're single on valentine's day

Hello! So after doing some research, I have learned that being single on valentines day is a universal complaint. Let's face it, almost any holiday makes you want someone special to share it with even more. A lot of people hate this holiday, I happen to be a big fan. In a relationship or not, I have always loved it. Pink, glitter, hearts, and all sorts of cutesy stuff, what's not to love? If you are going to be alone this valentine's day, here are some things that might make it a little more enjoyable for you

  • So if you were going out, the first thing you would do is get yourself all dolled up right? DO IT, and do it for yourself! Go all out. Wear that dress that you have been wanting to wear forever, put on that lipstick you haven't tried out yet. Make yourself look beautiful so that you feel beautiful! (make sure you take photos so you can look back at them for fun or post them somewhere)
  • Bake Something. Come on, when are baked goods NOT necessary?
  • Make a Valentine card for yourself! I know that sounds silly but I'm serious! Let you know how much you love and appreciate yourself! This will make you feel good and also be a fun project.
  • The most important = WATCH GIRLY/ROMANTIC/CHEESY/FEEL-GOOD MOVIES! Make some sort of movie playlist. I know that when I watch movies or shows, I get completely lost in them and forget about everything else going on. I get so deep that I feel like I know the characters. In case you are out of ideas, I put together some suggestions - (based on netflix options)

    1. No Strings Attached
    2. Ghost (always a good choice)
    3. Clueless
    4. Elizabethtown
    5. She's all that
    Last but not least, at the end of the night, take a nice, hot bubble bath, and soak yourself up in. It's always one of my favorite ways to end a good day.
    I hope this was helpful.
    Love yourself!
    and remember....

    Oh & P.S.


1 comment:

  1. love this post! so cute :)

