Hello Love! Just a little update. I am feeling extra creative these days, So I have lots of cool stuff coming up. I'm pretty excited about doing this blog. I'm not gonna lie, in the very beginning, when I didn't have ANY followers I was feeling pretty discouraged, but I kept a positive attitude. Now I only have three followers, but I am almost proud of that even, i am glad to know that someone is actually reading this. I understand that patience is the most important part of being successful in anything.I have a post coming up explaining the purpose of this blog and where I would like to see it go. I understand that I might be a little different than a lot of other blogs that are currently out there. I don't wear high fashion clothes. I can't afford chanel (YET). I can't spend money on whatever I feel like it. I am not saying that it even matters but a lot of the popular blogs seem to be people with expensive clothes, beauty products, etc. some of my favorite blogs are like that. I am just generalizing what i see on most blogs these days. I am a more creative artsy person so i have so many things i want to write about and post pictures of. So I feel like maybe because I might not have as big of an audience as I would hope, but I could be overthinking this whole thing. Either way, I promise if you follow me, you will be in for a fun ride Again, I am going to go over this in a different post Anyway, like I said before, my creativity is buzzing right now. I have lots of projects planned. One including an art journal, but mostly collages and things like that. I'm pretty excited about it. Valentine's day was awesome. The boyfriend & I just ordered take out, watched movies and relaxed. We are not into the busy scene at every single restaurant today. I enjoyed him, as always. Now we are each doing our own thing, He is playing video games while I blog, it works. "Daily inspiration" post coming shortly! I feel good, I feel good about life. I feel good about the future. For once in my life, I am content and ready for what's next! I'm not scared to leave my comfort zone. I really want to live. This is such a good feeling! :)
Lovely Pics and i love your blog :)
Thank you love! You have no idea how much that means to me!