May 3, 2013

Reasons I have been lacking on quality personal updates

1. My laptop was unbearable and I had to wait for my other one to arrive, which you know if you seen one of the previous posts. It's a beauty.
2. I have been getting stoned out of my mind! hahah! I feel like I have been through so much emotional bullshit, I needed a week or two just to kick back and relax. In doing so, I have come up with many creative ideas. Don't judge, we all have our thing :)

Another reason being I have become addicted to the show "Bones". It's extremely interesting and you learn a lot from it. The dynamic of the characters is what makes the show so good.  If you haven't tried it, and you're into crime solving type shows, I highly recommend watching Bones.
(John Francss Daly is one of my celebrity crushes, so that helps)

I have also made a promise to myself that I am going to start taking photos again. I was looking back on my flickr, and I came across some of my favorites. I want to nourish this blog and help it grow, as well as my photography. So look forward to many projects coming up!


1 comment:

  1. cotton candy flavoured papers?!!?! HELL YES.

    love all your photos too, glad you're getting in touch with your creativity again :D I feel kind of uninspired lately, think maybe it's time for a blog re-design...

    love you! xoxoxox
