March 28, 2013


First Off...

I feel honored for receiving this award. Again, Thank you to Melissa at Lois Lennon for nominating me!
This definitely inspires me to continue to improve my blog and meet new like-minded people. I have lots of new ideas and plans for this blog, so if you're a reader; I promise you have some things to look forward to!


    Share 11 things about  yourself
    Answer the 11 questions that your tagger gave you
    Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have less than 200 Google Friend Connect Followers and be told via comment on their blog
    Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers that were nominated
    Thank the person that nominated you and link back their blog



11 facts about myself

  1. My birthday is October 18th,1989, Making me 23 years old. &a Lucky Libra!
  2. My hobbies include: reading, blogging, web & graphic design, writing, painting, making collages, art of all kinds, netflix, photography, and of course kickin back with my favorite people
  3. I absolutely hate the sound of Styrofoam - It gives me major anxiety.
  4. I have a boyfriend named John whom I've been with it for almost four years now. He is the love of my life.
  5. I work as a web & graphic designer 
  6. I'm scared of getting old.
  7. My favorite book is Star girl by Jerry Spinelli
  8. I get emotionally attached to fictional charachters
  9. I am a hopeless romantic.
  10. I hate when I don't get what I want and things don't go my way.
  11. If it was up to me, I'd never have to work and I'd be a princess *__*

Melissa's Questions

    1. Who is your style icon??
        Oh my goodness , my style is extremely diverse. I'll pick a few. Miley Cyrus, Lana Del Rey, Rihanna, and
        Cara Delevingne, Oh & Lucy Hale's as Aria on PLL.

   2. What are two of your worst habits??
       Cigarettes (although a pack can last me a week, So I don't smoke too many) & my other would have to be
       PROCRASTINATION! for sure.

   3. Are you a morning person or a night owl??
       Oh I'm a night owl without a doubt. I Used to be on a horrible sleep schedule and would be up all night and
       sleep day. Now I actually wake up before noon and I am enjoying seeing sunlight, So I will definitely stick to
       this schedule. Although, on nights I am feeling extra creative, I will still stay up till around 5 am some times.
   4. What is your favourite song at the moment??
       Oh this is a hard one! to pick ONE?! hahah I guess it would have to be "the dog days are over" by florence
       &the machine.
   5. What do you do if you are having a really bad day?? What calms you down??
       A fat sack of some chronic, a feel-good movie. Music always & a good book to read.
   6. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be??
       Skinny Jeans, toms shoes, a white v-neck and a black zip-up, with some jewelry with cu simple but cute
       and comfortable, yet still a little glamorous.

   7. What would your superhero name be??
       Woah, that's a hard one. I don't want to embarass myself, and I wish I could come up with something
       awesome. I'd like to be princess________....something. hahaha. I can tell you this though, I would want my
       super-hero power to be the ability to teleport.

   8. What is your favourite accessory??
       My lucky sterling silver ring with a four leaf clover in the middle. & my iPad of course.
   9. What inspired you to start blogging??
       Oh my goodness, this goes back so far. I discovered blogging at the age of 11. I taught myself html and all
       of that. I think it was my love for photography and images, I was all about aesthetics .  and writing obviously.
      ran across this girl named Amber''s blog, I'll never forget. I had this child-like wonder while looking at
      these blogs. I was fascinated by all of it. How you can put everything you life, and make it look beautiful on        a little space on the net. I had  everything from expage to xanga, to livejournal, etc etc. Then tumblr came
     around (which I have been a part of for 4 years now) and that is was truly inspired me to open up an actual
     blog. I gained about 5000 followers and got tons of fan mail and met awesome people and had pen pals
     from all over the world. Tumblr then starting changing, and it seemed people stopped caring about the person
     BEHIND the blog, So one day thought to myself "I want people to give a fuck about me, about what I have to
     say, about pictures that I take!" and so on. Although people loved my tumblr, it wasn't always MY content, it
     just a collection of other peoples images. I wanted a place to completely call my own and have people
     appreciate it. Oh, and of course all of you reading this are a huge contributor as well :)

  10. All time favourite movie??
      White Oleander or Breakfast at Tiffany's - extremely hard to chose!

My Questions

  1. What inspires you?
  2. Top 5 Favorite movies
  3. How do you want your life to be in 5 years?
  4. What is something most people probably don't know about you?
  5. What is your favorite quote?
  6. What do you think is your best quality?
  7. Favorite Bands?
  8. One of your best memories of all time?
  9. What are your pet peeves?
  10. What made you want to start a blog?
  11. How you would describe your bedroom?

My 11 Nominees

  1. La Luna 
  2. Rapunzel & Pie
  3. XOXOX beauty junkie
  4. Odyssey & Oracle
  5. Love & Velvet
  6. Dandy Rank
  7. Rabbit
  8. Alice Said
  10. hopeless wanderer
  11. It's raining blue embrellas


  1. loved this post! You're such an interesting little bunny :) your style icons are awesome, I always think of Lana Del Rey when I'm getting dressed for summer. The blogs you nominated are bitchin too.

    I love you big time xoxo

  2. Thank you dearyyyyyy <333 I love your blog so much and star girl is a great book :3

  3. Hi, thankyou so much for this! I did one on my blog and linked back to you!

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination! You're wonderful!
    Here is my post, and you were, of course, linked back to

